New Track: “Scum, Rise!”

Written by on February 3, 2014

“Scum, Rise!” is the first single off of Detroit garage punk band Protomartyr’s forthcoming second LP “Under Color of Official Right”, due to be released April 8th.  Like on their debut “No Passion All Technique” (brilliant album), vocalist Joe Casey spits and slurs angry, disillusioned lyrics with the ferocity of a defeated, drunken man spilling his guts desperately to anyone who’ll listen.  I’m listening.  You should too.  The music is generally more aggressive than what was found on their debut, driven by an absolutely throbbing bass-line, and the lyrics have a clear anti-war sentiment to them.  “Under Color of Official Right” is one of my most anticipated albums of this year, and “Scum, Rise!” is an excellent teaser for what’s to come.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=0066cc&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Check out Some Weird Sin Thursdays 9-11 P.M. C.T.


By Travis Shosa

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