Picture Atlantic’s New Album Will Set Sail Soon!

Written by on May 12, 2015


Sometimes the best music is that made from the combination of different musical backgrounds, and Picture Atlantic can definitely say they have that. The three-piece from northern California has been performing together for almost ten years. The group, who first came together in a garage in Santa Clara, has released two full length albums and is working on a third.

The currently untitled third album is much anticipated by fans and has been teased greatly by the band. The crowdfunding for the album went very well and led to new exposure for the group. To hype the new album and the fundraising, the band released a single titled “Convenient Lovers.” The song is poppy and wonderful, exactly the kind of sound to choose for a single.

You can expect the album to be out this summer! “We are 90% done with the album right now and are looking forward to putting out a new single soon,” said the band when asked about new music.

Follow their Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and like their Facebook for more information about new music. They also have teasers on their YouTube if you’re interested, and their discography is conveniently on Spotify, plus buy their music on Bandcamp and iTunes. If you’re in the Bay Area this summer, check them out at Slim’s and BFD 2015!


By Bethany Polson

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