Years and Years Debut Album: “Communion”

Written by on July 21, 2015


If you haven’t heard “Communion,” the debut album by Years and Years … please remove yourself from under the rock you have been inhabiting and get on it!

Years and Years is a British synthpop and electronica trio who have just released their first album, and to say it’s amazing would be an understatement. They have slowly been releasing singles over the last couple of years but this is their first full length album. It was released only 10 days ago but I’ve already worn out the replay button.

You can listen to it for free here.

It was really hard to pick a song that gives you a taste of the album, but they’re all good so here is one of my favorites:

I haven’t been this excited about an album in a long time, and this is one of the rare albums where I like EVERY single song. If you haven’t heard it, I highly suggest you listen to it for free on Spotify! If you love it, you can purchase it on iTunes. Let me know what you think in the comments. If I make a fan out of even one new person, my day will be made. Happy listening!


By Fatema Sabir

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