Rae’s Raves: Demi’s Confident, Selena’s Revived…What Else Is Happening!?

Written by on October 26, 2015

Well well well. It’s that time where I rave to you about all the things I’ve been listening to lately. You know the drill, let’s get into it!

PicMonkey Collage

After the release of the album’s first single “Cool For The Summer,” I had no idea what to expect from Demi Lovato when she andemi-lovato-confident-album-cover-1441724228nounced her new album Confident. She reinvents herself with every album she creates and this one is no different. Compared to her last two albums, this is Lovato’s most mature release to date. She left most of her r&b and pop/rock sounds behind for Confident, which has more personal anthems like “Old Ways” and “Stone Cold” that will either have you bawling your eyes out or jamming out hardcore wherever you are. Personally, this is not my favorite album from Ms. Lovato (Unbroken takes that award) but I was able to find a handful of songs that resembled the sound I know and love! Whether you hate it or love it, Demi still showcases those powerhouse vocals she undeniable possesses and I’m super proud of her newfound confidence! Check out and download the album here and check out my favorite tracks “Old Ways,” “Mr. Hughes,” “Stars” and “Yes.”

Also, last week the music video for “Confident” was released and LET ME TELL YOU. It gave me everything that Taylor Swift’s “Bad Blood” failed to provide. Check it out below!

Speaking of reinvention, Selena Gomez’s sophomore solo album is rightfully named Revival. This is Gomez’s fifth album and her lyrical content is more personal and I approve. I’m glad she has finally grown independenmc7LRJAot of Disney and her ex-boyfriend and thanks to the lead single “Good For You,” the world can see that Gomez is her own person. Aside from a few tracks, her sound is not that different from Stars Dance; it’s some of the lyrical content that sets it aside. So she’s not the strongest vocalist we have encountered…either way, I never met a Selena Gomez album I didn’t like.

One of these days, I will take “Hands To Myself” and “Revival” off of repeat, but while I do that….you can download the album here!

In addition, If you’re so sick of that “Same Old Love,” Alyson Stoner and Sam Tsui came through for you. This awesome one take cover gives a different twist on Selena Gomez’s second single. Take a look for yourself!

If you’ve been needing new tracks (and new dance moves) from Lorde, no worries! She took a page right out of the Rihanna playbook for “Magnets,” the new collaboration with Disclosure. I love this song and the video was great! Take a look!

We all know that Pentatonix has put out some of the BEST medleys you can find today…but YAY FOR NEW ORIGINAL MUSIC! This album proves that not only can they put their own spin on the songs we already know and love, but they can get together to create original music that sounds like anything else! You can watch their official music video for “Sing” down below…how many familiar faces and favorites can you find?

Want more? You can purchase the new Pentatonix’s album here!

Also, if you want the best preview to this album, check out Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi as they throw a photobooth dance party aka my obsession of the day. Enjoy!

Be still my heart. We can file this epic medley under #KeepTheNostalgiaStrong! I’ve been following Brittany Butler on YouTube for half of my life basically because the girl has TALENT. If she looks a tad bit familiar, you may have seen her on the seventh season of The Voice! When I heard she was creating a medley of songs from the late ’90s and early 2000s…I knew it was going to be very important. Check her other covers here and tell her what you though about her epic rendition on all things childhood here!

Last but not least, my new BFF Johnny Stimson (he said it first not me) just released the official audio for his new track “Easy.” I first heard this song when he opened for Tori Kelly a few weeks ago and hearing it live made me want the official audio ASAP. Now…here it is! You can now add “Easy” to your Spotify playlist here and follow him on twitter! It will be awhile until the number of plays comes close to his “Hypnotech” track (I’m killing that replay button)…but I’m diggin’ it!

Now, here’s the part where I throw the tunes I’ve been playing so far this month at you! Enjoy!


If you’re reading this it’s too late, thanks for stopping by! Leave us a comment or tweet me here to tell me what you’re into this month! Have an awesome weekend!


By Rae Tolbert

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