DIALTONE Releases “Somehow”
Written by Isha Merchant on December 7, 2021
Around September of 2019, my friends and I rushed to see DIALTONE at a small venue in Houston. Although we were all just new listeners, and we were really unsure of what to expect, we went anyway and we were not disappointed. In every category possible, DIALTONE does not miss. They brought a very floaty, yet upbeat vibe to the stage. I remember listening to their 2018 single “Half Full”, and just wanting to let loose and move my body.
Recently, DIALTONE has released a new single titled “Somehow”. From the last two years, they have grown massively as a band. Everything from their cover art, lyricism, and the music itself has improved massively. If I was not a fan then, I definitely am a fan now.

“Somehow” is dynamic and fun, all while grounded by amazing instrumentals. Their vocals have improved much more, and the feeling in their music is much more pronounced. They combine indie pop with rock. As the listener gets closer to the end of the song, you do not want it to end.
The guitarist, Cris Guerrero, takes the full lead of the song as it nears its ends. Kristina Macal, the main vocalist, takes their time to shine along with some amazing backing vocals. You can definitely see the growth in their music from this new single alone.
If you like “Somehow”, you will definitely like “Day at a Time”, another single released in 2019. It has a similar bouncy energy to it, and the two songs have the same character many of their other music has.
DIALTONE is a local band. The four of them are native to Southwest Houston and are often seen performing at smaller venues. They are active on their Instagram and Twitter and are often seen announcing their next shows on those platforms. Their next performance is on December 11th at The White Swan Live. This show doubles as a toy and blanket drive, and tickets are $5 each. Other Houston Latinx artists will be performing which will be a great show.