Lost In Reverie: Interview with Local Houston Band

Written by on October 31, 2024

On Thursday, October 24th, 2024, I had the chance to interview the local Houston band Reverie. In this interview, we’ll discuss the band’s creative process, inspirations and the stories behind their latest single. As a rising band, Reverie has great potential to make an impact in the Houston music scene based on their sound and captivating lyrics.

Four out of the five members of Reverie are current students at the University of Houston! This includes Nicolas, Apria, Aiden and Val.

Anahid: When was the band founded and what was the story behind it?

Apria: The band was founded technically a year ago. We had a different member(s) but it kind of went through a lot of different changes with people. We didn’t actually take things seriously until this summer with this group of people.

Anahid: When would you say it started officially?

Apria: I would say this summer it started officially but I had the idea of it, and I really wanted it like last year, so I spent a long time trying to get everything together.

Anahid: What are some artists/bands that inspire your sound?

Nicolas: Right now, I think bands that inspire me are just bands that I’m listening to mostly.

Aiden: For me, right now my biggest inspiration is probably Hiatus Kaiyote… I’m also really inspired by the arrangements of classical music.

Apria: I think I tend to naturally write pop music, but I feel like the band, especially Valerie, kind of gets me in a direction that’s more alternative and I like the way we kind of work off of each other.

Lexi: I’d say my biggest inspiration is definitely MCRTaking Back Sunday, weirdly enough Tears For Fears. I really love those guys.

Val: My biggest inspirations are this band called Yo La Tengo. More people should listen to them… I really enjoy Car Seat Headrest but that’s more of songwriting type that inspired me.

Anahid: What type of music does Reverie play?

Val: Well we started off doing more like indie rock and sort of indie pop but it’s slowly changing and going more towards like alternative… kind of pop-punk. Very little shoe gaze but I would say it’s more pop-punk where it’s headed towards.

Anahid: What’s the story behind the song Transmute?

Val: The way we wrote it was kind of crazy, how it flowed so perfectly with me and Apria. I was just like playing something random on guitar I made up… maybe like months ago and I just completely forgot about it cause I didn’t think it would really sound that good, but as I was playing it Apria was like “Wait that’s kind of good”… and then she started singing over it… I don’t know it just sounded so good with whatever lyric and melody she came up with, and she made it up off the top of her head… It just flowed so perfectly.

Watch out for Reverie as they continue to carve out their place in the Houston music scene. If you’d like to see them play live catch them at the White Swan on November 1st at 6:30 pm.

Link to the full video interview: Reverie Interview

  • Anahid Henriquez

    I’m a Media Production major and English minor and I have a passion for music and storytelling. I love Houston and the local music scene.

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