Author: Rhayla Candler

In preparation for this year’s SXSW, we have compiled a list of personal artists-to-watch. After spending much time discovering up-and-coming musicians, let’s dive into this year’s showcasing artists! Rhayla’s Picks Quelle Rox The first artist that I am excited to tune into is a Latinx indie-pop superstar on the rise named Quelle Rox, or Rocky. […]

Whether you are doing Valentine’s Day alone, with a partner, or with your besties this year, love is a universal feeling for all to experience. Being that I spent so much of last year developing a new kind of love for myself, it prepared me to be able to honor myself while in a new […]

I think it’s safe to say that almost everyone has a comfort album. A record that they can turn to when they’re happy, when they’re sad, when they’re pissed off, anything. The album that comes to mind when I think about what my comfort album could be is Blue Banisters by Lana del Rey. This […]

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