Glass The Sky Album Release Show – 11/9 – Fitzgerald’s

Written by on November 10, 2012

Glass The Sky is a band with a large pallet. The band’s sound delves in atmospheric soundscapes formed by sonically adventurous dual guitars and lush key work, yet is grounded with a more progressive rhythm section. It’d be easy to categorize the sound as “post-rock” if not for the band’s clever use of clarinet, vocal harmonies, as well as frontman Eric Lungstrum’s notably catchy-yet-heartfelt vocal delivery. And that’s also not to say that Glass The Sky jump through fancy modulation hoops to deliver a good song.

Take for instance the band’s new single “Koi Pawned”. The video, which begins with a shot of the band doing a two-step of sorts from the ankle-down, works with very basic colors, patterns, and movements, speaking visually on the band’s minimal means to evoke sincere human emotions. Each camera shot deconstructs the song into its simple parts, unfolding the full symphony until chorus breaks into a kaleidoscopic celebration with Eric Lungstrum and Erin Rodgers’ endearing harmonized cry.

To say any song is melodic is redundant, but with countless melodies and counter-melodies going on, it’s something worth noting with Glass The Sky. If “Koi Pawned” is any indication of what’s in store for their new album, you’ll want NEED a copy.


Glass The Sky Album Release Show w/ Benjamin Wesley, Boy + Kite, and Technicolor Hearts – Tonight (11/9) 8:00PM – Fitzgerald’s (DAT LINEUP)

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