Wild Moccasins Amaze Fans

Written by on February 10, 2014

It had been more than 10 years since I last set foot inside of Numbers and it had not changed. There is a bar in every direction you look, scaffolding and lights hang from the ceiling, unused and covered in neglect. The upstairs glass is cloudy, scratched, and graffitied. The one thing that did change, however, was the crowd. There were more hands covered in black marker than wrists adorned with blue bands. Immediately I began looking for “that guy”. The one guy who spoils a good show by acting like an ass. There is always at least one. In the cases where there are more than one and they find one another, well that’s just a formula for disaster. I was surprised when, as I was passing through the crowd, a young man stopped me and introduced himself. Every person I came across after that encounter were almost too nice to be true. Everyone was smiling, laughing and some were group hugging. You could start a friendly conversation with anyone. It made for a very pleasant evening, that and the beer. The music kicked off with two great performances by openers Young Girls followed by Young Mammals. I don’t know if that was pure coincidence or intentional. Either way, Houston is producing some great acts and local music lovers have a great deal to look forward to. Case in point, Wild Moccasins. They took the stage with an air of confidence and an aesthetic of a more established band. From the moment they began playing the crowd was singing and dancing. There were balloons and confetti and the groove of Wild Moccasins brought everyone back to the disco era. The crowd stayed after to dance with the band and keep the party going until they were forced out. It was a beautiful time for music in Houston. Photo Credit: Nick Page I was vastly impressed with their showmanship, precision and skill. It’s clear to me that they are one of the best if not the best band in Houston right now. The fact that the show was free was bewildering because I would have gladly paid for that performace. Houstonians, do yourselves a favor and follow this group. They are destined to be a huge success. I imagine myself sitting around in the future reminiscing about how I saw Wild Moccasins at a free show once. If you’re reading this and you haven’t heard any of their music, remedy that by clicking HERE to purchase their tunes and other merchandise. There really is no reason not to.


By Nick Page

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