Concert Review: Logic’s Under Pressure World Tour

Written by on February 24, 2015

logic 1logic 2logic 4 logic 5
“Last time I was in Houston, there were about 500 of you… now there’s about 1700.” These words, spoken by Logic in the middle of his set, display a man finally making a name for himself in the city of Houston. I have always been a fan of Logic, but this concert served as a better representation of why I know that I will remain a Logic fan forever. Through standing outside for almost two hours, in what would be considered “cold” in Houston, it was all worth it for the show that Logic gave us.
His set began with his DJ hyping the crowd up with a mix that incorporated a series of different yet popular songs by various artists. This built up to him playing the first Logic song, with Thalia, the voice who tells the story of Logic on his latest album, introducing him and setting off the excitement in the crowd. Logic immediately appeared, emerging from backstage with high energy, enthusiasm, and agility. He even wore a space suit, that he said was cool because he was in Houston(get it, space ships……yeah okay). The music varied from songs off of his newest release, “Under Pressure,” to throwback songs from all of his previous mixtapes. From “Soul Food” in the beginning, all the way to his encore performance of “Under Pressure” at the end of the concert, Logic kept the same amount of energy and determination to provide us with a great show, along with him spitting rapid fire lyrics. There was even a part where he did a freestyle off of the top of his head, displaying his love for the art of hip hop and just how inspired he felt in that moment. Every song he performed sounded exactly like the recordings, and in the music world, THAT IS A BIG DEAL. Although his flows and music rhythms changed from song to song throughout the show, Logic remained in tact and gave each song the same amount of energy and dedication as the previous one.
My favorite part of the night would have to be when Logic invited a random fan to the stage, to perform a song with him. The crowd began cheering extensively for the man as he built up the courage to move to the stage. Once there, the music began and although timid and nervous in front of who we could assume, his idol, the young man began rapping with Logic and he was thoroughly impressed. This began the interactive aspect of the show. Throughout the concert, Logic would tell stories of how he got to this moment of being on stage, along with inspirational cues about following your dreams. This allowed the crowd to relate to him more, and gave us a chance to get to know him on a deeper level. He even had a segment where he asked various people in the crowd their ages, and where they were all from. He also brought his whole crew on stage with him, to vibe out and enjoy the music as well. This created a family type feel for the concert, as we were all their to share our love of Logic’s music.
Overall, the show was amazing and really showed how talented Logic is as an artist, lyricist, and performing. I look forward to attending another Logic concert in the future, with what I expect will be another sold out show!
By Micah McDonald
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