Concert Review: Zedd Takes On Houston

Written by on September 27, 2015

IMG_6941.JPGWithout a doubt, Revention Music Center was one of the hottest places to be this Friday night in downtown Houston. A line of fans wrapped around the building, which made the hype for Zedd’s show was beyond impressive. Sporting everything from pink eyebrows, LED tennis shoes and furry costumes, EDM fans brought not only their eye-catching styles but also a contagious energy that spread madly throughout the venue.

IMG_9113Opening acts, Alex Metric, Borgore and Madeon prepped the audience for Zedd with their ridiculously energetic and engaged sets, which included a variety of songs such as Borgore’s hit “Forbes” that had fans bouncing up and down and banging their heads to every lyric. The atmosphere in the crowd was intensely vibrant–from dancing limbs flying around, ceaseless jumping and LED gloves to insane shuffling circles–the crowd was one of the most enthusiastic ones I’ve seen at Revention.

IMG_9104The time in between sets seemed to fly by, and finally when Zedd took stage at promptly 11:15, the crowd cut loose. Everything from the mesmerizing lights and shapes projecting throughout the venue, the smoke, and the streamers that exploded into the audience at one point  completed the incredible viewing experience that everyone got to enjoy that night. Zedd covered just about all of his most popular hits ranging from “Beautiful Now” and “Stay the Night” to “Clarity.” It was just that kind of show in which everyone seemed to come with the expectation of having a wild, memorable time and I don’t doubt that every soul walked out of there completely fulfilled. The spirit of the area where I was standing was quite lively in itself. Dancing was ubiquitous everywhere and all the time, even from Zedd himself. The show ended with loud cheering from the audience as they applauded the performance and of course, sheer exhaustion set in as everyone carried their sweaty and worn out selves back home. As a whole, it was definitely an unforgettable night and the experience was not only an exciting one, but it was engaging, colorful and madly intense.


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Riding the Airwaves

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