Fun Fun Fun Fest Artist Spotlight: Future Islands

Written by on October 15, 2015

Photo by Timothy Saccenti

Photo by Timothy Saccenti

I’m going to be honest: When choosing this assignment, I looked at the Fun Fun Fun Fest lineup, closed my eyes, twirled my finger around, and let it land wherever it pleased.

My fateful finger landed on Future Islands. And I will admit that I had never heard any of their music, but the name sounded kind of familiar (that counts for something, right?). So, I dove right into their discography from beginning to end — I feel that is the best way to get to know a band and their work. This process surely didn’t disappoint. Future Islands I salute you and your music. From their lyrics, to their compositions, and even their stage presence, these guys bring you on a music roller-coaster ride.

My favorite little tid bit that I discovered is Samuel Herring, the band’s front-man, is also a RAPPER. Normally synth pop and rap should be kept separate in my opinion, but this is an exception that has shut my opinion down. I give artists major brownie points when they bring my jaw to the floor, so kudos to this trio.  With synth-pop-rap vibes aside, Future Islands’ most recent video, A Song for Our Grandfathers, provides all of the heartwarming feels while showcasing my three favorite things: music, family, and SOUTHERN FOOD.

I am going to give a big thanks to the fateful music gods for letting my finger land on this band. I am beyond stoked to see these guys in the flesh and to see what they come up with next!

Check out Future Islands at Fun Fun Fun Fest on Nov. 8!


By Madeline Robicheaux

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