SXSW: Secret Show and Exclusive Interview with Joseph
Written by Coog Radio on March 21, 2016

Joseph + Penny and Sparrow (Photo by Madeline Robicheaux)
Back in 2014, I was scrolling through Pinterest and happened to stumble upon the beautiful harmonies and lyrics of trio sister band, Joseph. I went out on a limb and emailed them to come play an acoustic set at a clothing store I worked for at the time. Much to my surprise, they agreed and they played the most beautiful set I have ever seen to date. Now, I am standing in front of the girls (Natalie, Meegan, and Allie) at The Spotify House and seeing how much they have grown through their musical journey. This was my first official interview with them, and I will admit I was super nervous, but the gals made me feel at ease and talked to me as if I was one of their closest friends.
MR: First off, hi guys! Long time no see!
All: Madeline! It is so good to see you again!
MR: Welcome back to your second time at SXSW! How has it been so far?
Meegan: It’s been crazy, but we love it. This is only day one.
MR: This is your first day performing? I heard you guys got into town last night and partied a little for a friend’s birthday.
Allie: Ohhhhh yeah. We ended up not because the bar was a two-stepping place.
MR: Y’all don’t two-step? It’s Texas!
All: I know! [laughs]
Natalie: Well the bar ended up being closed, so we ended up just going to a bar.
Meegan: It was still so much fun, though.
MR: Fun! What are you guys learning the second time around for SXSW?
Natalie: (noticing my phone recording) Wait. Is this interview already running? I am so impressed by you, Madeline!
All: [laughs]
Allie: Ok, what have we learned? Well we have a full band this time, which is really interesting. So last time, we were basically just like, let’s pop the guitar in the back of the band and go. So this is the first tour that we have had a full band, so its brand new.
Meegan: So we are less portable this year. Also, I think we have different expectations this year because last year we were like [sings], “We have no idea what we are doing.” But this year I think we have our head on.
MR: Well, you guys are playing at The Spotify House, so this is a huge deal.
Natalie: Yeah! So last year we were watching people on this stage, and we were like, “Oh man, I hope some day we can do that.” And now we are here, and it is so cool.
Allie and Meegan: It’s amazing.
MR: And according to your Snapchat (thebandjoseph) you guys are recording?
Meegan: Yeah, it is done!
All: It is being mastered right now.
Natalie: So I think we will be releasing it by the end of summer.
Allie: And hopefully we will have some singles out beforehand.
MR: Will we get to hear some new stuff this week?
All: Definitely!
Meegan: I think it will be half and half of old stuff and new stuff.
MR: That is so exciting, guys! I know fans have been waiting for this. Now, I know you guys are traveling a lot, and always use hashtags for fans to keep up with your touring adventures. Is there a specific hashtag for SXSW tour?
Allie: We don’t have one specifically for SXSW, but for this tour we use #ontheroadjo and we also have #bandjo because now we have a band.
MR: What have you guys been listening to on the road? I know you guys always love this question.
All: Yes we love this question!
Meegan: We have more people in the van now, so everyone listens to different types of music.
All: We’ve been really getting into this band called Valley Maker. I think they are based out of Seattle and they are a little like Kurt Vile-ish, but with a full band and more singers. It’s really cool and kind of the perfect thing for driving through the Midwest or Texas or something with lands that have light blue or light gray colors. Also we have been listening to The Innocence Mission’s new album because it is amazing traveling music. It is absolutely cinematic and gorgeous, and it has been my favorite. Also we have been listening to Penny and Sparrow because they just released a new record. Their album is stunning! John Paul White, from The Civil Wars, produced it so you know it’s going to be good. It is like all the greatness combined.
MR: I am trying to catch them (Penny & Sparrow) while I am here! You guys introduced them to me, so I am a huge fan.
All: Yeah you need! We are trying to see them at Noisetrade.
(Allie leans over to whisper into Natalie’s ear)
Allie: Yeah, we are actually putting together a quick show with them. We have a little collab band with them, so there is talk right now about doing a little secret SXSW show.
Natalie: So for anyone that is on social media, they should keep their eyes out.

Joseph + Penny and Sparrow (Photo by Madeline Robicheaux)
The secret show was announced within the hour and we were lucky enough to be one of the 200 guests allowed to see this beautiful set. The dim lighting with just the five band members was the perfect way to start a Saturday morning. Both Joseph and Penny & Sparrow gave chilling performances with harmonies that caused tingles throughout the spine. The name of their new project is still to be announced, but you can keep updated with Joseph’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and also with Penny & Sparrow’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
By Madeline Robicheaux