Sound on Sound Day Three

Written by on November 8, 2016

Coverage by Waylon O’Day and Raj Radia

The final day of Sound on Sound was a wash, both literally and figuratively. Right around 3PM the rain came down and turned the Sherwood Forest into a river. Two and a half hours later, after being forcibly evacuated, we were let back into the festival. Despite being let back in, the festival experience proved to be a trying one as patrons had to weather the elements to stick it out and see their favorite acts on the final day of the festival. Because of the weather we were not able to see anywhere near as many acts as we wanted to, we ultimately succumbed to the weather because of our ill preparedness. However, we give all the credit in the world to the Sound on Sound Fest team, they had to deal with things that were out of their control, and they handled it fantastically. To those who stuck it out, after the two and a half hours of being trapped in their cars, and then continually dumped on for the better part of the night, we salute you, you are the best of us.

Die Young

Die Young

The rain put a damper on the whole first part of the festival. Luckily, Die Young came on just before the storm started. I was excited to see Houston’s thriving hardcore scene being represented at the festival. At the start of their performance, there weren’t many people in the crowd, but that didn’t stop the band. They still brought on a great performance that started to attract a crowd. As the crowd grew, the rain started to come in. All of a sudden, people we’re hardcore dancing and moshing in the rain. The band played several songs off their new LP “No Illusions,” such as “Bear Witness” as well some of their older discography, such as “Scum.” The rain really added to their performance, giving it a much more intense atmosphere. It was overall a great performance and the best band to watch while in the rain.



Kero Kero Bonito

The Japanese-anime influenced electronic productions of Kero Kero Bonito were sorely needed by the soaking wet crowd of probably 80 or so brave souls who had faced the relentless downpour. The group’s sound check took forever, but if I were in the same position I wouldn’t even want to perform. The stage was slick and rain splashing onto the stage at an angle due to the wind, not exactly friendly conditions when you have a bunch of drum machines and synthesizers set up on a table at the edge of a covered stage that had already lost all of it’s front lights due to the earlier storm. During the soundcheck, you heard pops, sizzles, and a whole lot of other sounds you don’t want to hear when you’re waiting for a set to start. Then, almost out of nowhere, the group opened up with their titular song, “Kero Kero Bonito,” Sarah Midori Perry, the lead singer was pretty still for the set, but I didn’t expect her to dance considering the puddles on the stage. However the producer duo of Jamie Bulled and Gus Lobban kept the audience entertained with their stage business/dancing, but then again, they have the chance to do that considering how minimalistic most of the British group’s productions are. It seemed that the set ended almost as fast as it started, as after running through fan favorites like “Sick Beat” and “Flamingo” the group left the stage, after six or seven songs. Some may have not been happy with that decision, but I commend KKB for toughing it out and giving us a performance, albeit it a brief one (I didn’t check my phone because of the rain, but it seemed like it was 20 minutes). Despite all of the adversity, this set was the brightest part of an otherwise dreary day.



Thanks for reading, we are sorry there isn’t more for you to read, but check in this week for the our post coverage of the inaugural Sound on Sound Music Festival including our opinions on the best (and worst) sets of the festival.

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