Beabadoobee to Perform at White Oak Music Hall
Written by Julianna Smith on September 17, 2021
Your favorite bedroom-alt-rock artist is coming to Houston.
If you haven’t heard of her specifically, you might know Beabadoobee by one of her popular songs, such as “Coffee” or “The Moon Song“. Her distinctive soft vocals paired with delicate, melodic instrumentals make for a really unique listening experience.
“Coffee”, released in 2017, was actually Beabadoobee’s first song, and it made a big impact. The song went viral on Tiktok and other social media platforms, specifically a higher-pitched version titled “death bed (coffee for your head)“. This song was actually released by artist Powfu, opening with a sample from “Coffee”. Even though Powfu released the song without knowing Beabadoobee yet, she ended up liking it and they became friends.

Courtesy of NME
After “death bed (coffee for your head)” blew up, Beabadoobee continued releasing music fitting her first single’s soft, melancholic tone. She actually started making music just because it felt good, according to this interview with Rolling Stone. She had been somewhat depressed and her dad bought her a secondhand guitar in hopes it would help her.
The year after “Coffee”‘s release, Beabadoobee dropped Patched Up, a 25-minute album consisting of 7 songs, gently stitched together with their uniformly delicate sound. Her song “Tired” became the most popular on the album.
In 2019, Beabadoobee released another album–Loveworm–again 25 minutes long, and 7 songs. She also released another version of the album, titled Loveworm (Bedroom Sessions), that same year. (This album actually contains my current favorite song of hers: “Ceilings – Bedroom Session“). Both versions of the album introduce a new, pseudo-psychedelic energy to her work which I find absolutely fascinating. Though the tracks contain her signature bittersweet lyrics, they’re layered in with more complex instrumentals. It’s clear that Beabadoobee is starting to break out of her singularly soft-toned shell.
Still in 2019, she released EP Space Cadet. This EP continued the development of her new sound–more indie rock, and less bedroom pop. The song “I Wish I Was Stephen Malkmus” especially stands out, with an almost-harsh instrumental line befitting Beabadoobee’s new rock-inspired musicality.

Courtesy of The New Yorker
The following year, Beabadoobee released her album Fake It Flowers, along with a string of singles matching its musical tone. Since then, she’s been performing, and probably working on some new music as well.
Her 2021 tour with Christian Leave and BLACKSTARKIDS starts off in London, arriving in the states on November 1. They’ll travel across the U.S., landing in Houston on November 15. Make sure to go check out this solid team at the classic Houston venue, White Oak Music Hall.