Surf Curse and Toner are Coming to Rock Out Warehouse Live!

Written by on October 19, 2022

Get ready for a night full of stellar rock artists. Surf Curse and Toner are on their way to Warehouse Live on November 5th! Grab a ticket now before they’re all gone.

Julian Sage, courtesy of Flood Magazine

Get ready to mosh the night away with Surf Curse, a surf rock band, from Nevada. The band consists of Nick Rattigan who sings lead and plays drums, then there’s Henry Dillion who plays bass, Jacob Rubeck and Noah Kholl on guitar. Surf Curse will be touring the United States from November through December.

Surf Curse will be playing a couple of songs off of their new album Magic Hour. Some new songs to check out from the album are “Self Portrait”, “Sugar” and “Arrow”. Surf Curse is also known for their trendy single, “Freaks” so be prepared to rock out to their fast-tempo songs. They are the best band to go see live, trust me, you will not be let down by any of their performances.

Magic Hour Album Cover, courtesy of Prelude Press
Geoff Taylor, courtesy of Groovy Tunes Magazine

Starting off the night will be an indie rock band called Toner from Oakland, California. They have a similar sound as Surf Curse. Both groups have fuzzy guitar sounds along with fast-paced drums. The band consists of Samuelito Cruz on vocals, guitar and drums, Maxwell Carver, who also has a solo project, on guitar, Kennan Sommer on bass and Sean Glass on drums. In the past, Toner has went on tour with Duster, an older rock band from San Jose, California.

Their most recent album is, White Buffalo Roam, which was released in September 2021. Popular songs on the album include, “Under the Gun”, “Tar” and “Ox ’45”. Their album, Silk Road, is a great album if you are into the fuzzy low-toned guitar sound. It is a sick album that you should try to give a listen. Some songs on the album include “’95 Slow”, “Dark Ecstasy”, and “Smoov”. There is an interview with Samuelito Cruz that can be found on the Better Yet podcast which helps fans get more familiar with the artist and their album Silk Road. Toner sounds great live, so here is a link to their performance!

Toner Poster, courtesy of Toners’ Facebook Page
Band members of Toner, courtesy of Do NYC

Both Toner and Surf Curse will be performing on November 5th at Warehouse Live in Houston, TX. This night will be full of energy and exciting performances. I have seen Surf Curse perform live before and the energy in the room was unforgettable. By the end of the show, I was covered in sweat and my heart was racing. Surf Curse is a great band to see live.

Jarett Loeffler, courtesy of Alt Citizen

If you can, snag a ticket in advance for the low cost of $25. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. and all ages can attend the show. At-the-door tickets will cost $27! Get a ticket now before they’re all gone and be ready for a night to remember.

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