Christian Nodal Gives a Heartfelt Performance at Toyota Center
Written by Sorraya Gonzales on September 27, 2023
On Thursday, Sept. 21, Tejano fans arrived at Toyota Center anticipating a performance from Mexican singer Christian Nodal.
When I arrived to the Toyota Center, I noticed a sea of ranchero hats and cowboy boots. Fan were dressed in anticipation for Christian Nodal. I was in awe of the compassionate fans, and I patiently waited for Christian Nodal and his Foraji2 Tour.

At 9pm, the mariachi band lined up on stage. The screen illuminates a green cross and a wanted poster for Nodal. The intro alluded to the tour’s green color scheme and Mexican pride. After the introduction, orange lights brightened the arena as fog machines streamed outlines of smoke. Nodal slowly appears from the bottom of the stage with a dark black ranchero hat and a purple suit, ready to perform.
With a radiant smile, he belts out “HOUSTON TEXAS!!!” and starts the set with the songs “Se Me Olvido” (I Forgot) and “AYAYAY!” In key with the orange lights, the band and Nodal’s voices bring a friendly, upbeat energy to the beginning of the performance. His pitch-perfect vocals and the Mexicans instrumentals complement one another, delighting the passionate fans.

The next song, “Por el Resto de Mi Vida,” (For the Rest of My Life) depicts coming to peace with a fallen romance. Therefore, the full moon’s background shifts into a sunrise, alluding to a new beginning. Nodal shows his singing abilities with this track by kneeling and belting extensive notes. He presents old-school mariachi vocals for the new generation with such vital clarity.
Not only was his voice gravitating, but his stage presence remained unmatched. Constantly taking bows in front of the crowd, blowing kisses to fans, and thanking them for all their support. He asks the crowd about toxic love before performing his song “Amor Toxico” (Toxic Love).
Mexican tradition and warmth remain present, especially in his covers, such as the cover of the infamous song by Vincente Fernedez, “Volver Volver,” (Return, Return) and Selena Quintanilla’s “Como la Flo” (Like the Flower).
Another feature of the show was the acapella transition between songs. In one of Nodal’s most famous tracks, “No Te Contaro Mal,” (They Didn’t Tell You Wrong) he vocalized beautifully while singing:
“Voy a contestarte ahora mismo todas tus preguntas
Pa’ dejarte bien claro qué fue lo que pasó
La noche en que me dejaste pasaron cosas
Las mismas cosas que tu amiga ya te contó”
“I’m going to answer all your questions right now.
To make it very clear to you what happened
The night you left me things happened
The same things your friend already told you”

The crowd became silent at the sound of his voice. Often he carried the track without instrumentals, especially in songs such as “Pa O’lvidarme De Ella” (To Forget about Her) and “Botellas tras Botella” (Bottle After Bottle) Another attribute was performing his collaboration live, such as the “Dime Como Quieres” (Tell Me How You Want) track with Angela Aguilar, a personal favorite along with “La Mitad” (Half) with Camilo.
The night was unforgettable, and overall, I enjoyed the show. Between the vocals, enthusiastic fans, and Mexican heritage, the performance remains extraordinary.