Author: Emily O'Brien

If you’re anything like me, you can’t stand silence. Even while studying, you have to have something to listen to, whether it’s music or just white noise. Still, it can be hard to find the right music for studying, something that’s both sonically pleasing and not too distracting. If you’re looking for something like this […]

It’s difficult to make anything original these days. So many stories have already been told, good ideas have already been taken, and it seems like we’ve nearly exhausted every melody possible to make out of the twelve notes available to us. To artists of all persuasions (and even to consumers), this realization can be daunting. […]

An album can be good—sonically and lyrically good—but it becomes something great when it’s both good and it feels like it was made for you. Not just you, the current you. The starting-college, away-from-your-family-for-the-first-time, making-grown-up-decisions-and-grown-up-mistakes you. For me at least, I’ve found that album in Broken Social Scene’s 2003 sophomore record, You Forgot It In […]

The history of rock and roll has seen many dark tragedies, both in the form of untimely deaths of important figures and in the form of neglect and disregard for musicians who’ve made significant contributions to the genre. Despite the impact these musicians had on the genre, they often go unrecognized or receive little credit […]

In 1969, psychedelic folk musician Jim Sullivan released U.F.O., his first album. Six years later, in 1975, he disappeared into the desert outside of Santa Rosa, New Mexico, never to be seen again. U.F.O. is an easy listen. It feels like driving your grandfather’s baby-blue Ford pickup out of town, into the scrubland until you […]

Disguised as adult contemporary, better defined as sophisti-pop, The Blue Nile’s Hats is a synth-infused testament to hopeless romanticism and late night rides through the city in the back of taxicabs. Lushly and meticulously produced, each song is exactly what it needs to be. This is the kind of desperate heartache you can only find […]

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