Author: Raquel Wood

Vinyl collecting is a timeless hobby that allows music enjoyers to connect with the art. In a time where music is widely accessible through streaming, what motivates one to keep up with it? Each person has a unique vision and reasoning behind their collection. Perhaps it’s the element of exploration in the process; time spent […]

On March 1, 1973, English rock band Pink Floyd released their eighth studio album, The Dark Side of the Moon. Crafted during the era of progressive rock, the record’s ten songs are pieced together by immersive complexity. Alongside sound engineer Alan Parsons, the musicians dressed the album in a fashionable sound. The avant garde sonics […]

I think about how much punk rock has influenced my taste and personality growing up (shout out to eyeliner and Hot Topic choker necklaces in 8th grade). It’s not a question why so many teenagers become invested in this genre when punk has a reputation for its rebellious, “resist-the-system” attitude. Throughout high school, I became […]

While I was scrolling through my Instagram explore page the other day, I came across a video snippet of The Kelly Clarkson Show. In the highlighted part of this episode, Kelly Clarkson was sitting down with Selena Gomez, discussing Gomez’s musical career. Selena said, “I’ve constantly been trying to make my music better and better, […]

2022 is here and the world continues to spin, sometimes seemingly way too fast. We are still facing challenges of the pandemic, a new school semester is starting for most college students, and life in general can be overwhelming. Here are six of my favorite throwback songs that help bring about good energy when feeling […]

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