Coog Radio Updates

Page: 113

Check out The xx’s rendition of “Last Christmas.”

If you are not familiar with my show, I spun the tunes Sunday nights since CR’s inception in 2011 while somewhere in the midst landing a job at nation’s oldest continuously operating recording studio. Juggling the two tasks along with school was character building to say the least, but completely rewarding nonetheless. After a great […] Jay Lotus is self described as a “saxophonist turned producer,” and it definitely shows. His albums, all instrumental, expertly wrap hip-hop beats over a groove-laden core. Other tracks capture the improvisational nature of jazz while mixing the skilled hands of a producer at a drum machine. If you’re looking for the perfect study music, […]

Indie-Folk hero Sufjan Stevens is back with an all new Christmas album. With such songs as “Christmas Unicorn” and “Justice Delivers Its Death,” it’s sure to fall into your regular music rotation during the Yuletide season.  What’s better is that it’s free (you can leave a tip from $1-$25, which is still a bargain). Head on […] Producer Sydney In Theory’s latest mixtape The Wild EP features production that meshes hip-hop and experimental electronic music. Glitches, distortion, sound clips, and alien buzzes join rude boy bass knocks to make for a project that sounds like the guys who rock new eras and jordans got lost in logic studio. The Wild EP

Despite the name, Houston is a band who (as far as we know) hasn’t even visited the Bayou City. In fact, we aren’t even sure they’ve ventured outside their native Sweden. Despite all this, we are sure of one thing: their sound is as diverse and multifaceted as it’s namesake. It could be described as one part […]

We are now accepting applications for DJ positions for the Spring 2013 semester! COOG Radio prides itself in its diversity, therefore desired applicants are those who demonstrate a thorough knowledge of music or sports broadcasting and can bring something new to our organization as well as our listeners. Applicants must be  enrolled students of the […]

Tons of amazing psychedelic acts including CR Comp Vol. 2 contributor Vinyl Williams on the bill, and more to be announced in January. This is definitely a Texas music festival you’ll want to catch. AUSTIN PSYCH FEST – APRIL 26-28 2013 – PASSES HERE

It looks we won’t have to (though we still want to, real bad). In fact, this doesn’t feel like a CR COMP fest, it practically is one. Not one, not two, but three COOG Radio Compilation contributors (Stephen Farris, Josiah Gabriel, FLCON FCKER) will be performing along side producers NO SIR E, JAY LOTUS, Babel Fishh, […]

L.A. natives, Local Natives, is set to release their sophomore album, Hummingbird, on January 29 of next year through Frenchkiss/Infectious Music. They released their first single “Breakers” about a month ago along with a set of tour dates to compliment their new album, which doesn’t include Texas. Its been over 2 years since the release of their highly acclaimed […]

Hot off the release of their follow-up to 2010’s The Waves, New Zealand born San Francisco based sky-gaze (yup, we’re going there) impresario Tamaryn will be gracing the Fitzgerald’s stage with songs from her new release Tender New Signs, which has more going for it than most albums released under any “INSERT HERE-gaze” genre. Tamaryn’s […]

Houston’s The Manichean have always made it a point to bring theater into their work. Whether through their prosaic lyrics, their use of musique concrete elements (i.e using a typewriter as an instrument), or even choice of venue, The Manichean’s music serves not as pop songs but a soundtrack to real human drama, which they […]

Glass The Sky is a band with a large pallet. The band’s sound delves in atmospheric soundscapes formed by sonically adventurous dual guitars and lush key work, yet is grounded with a more progressive rhythm section. It’d be easy to categorize the sound as “post-rock” if not for the band’s clever use of clarinet, vocal […]

FPSF V Blind Pre-sale Here

With this record, people who like us will immediately connect with something. Based on the very, very few people who’ve heard stuff— some engineers, the band, and that’s about it— some people think it’s stranger than Loveless. I don’t. I feel like it really frees us up, and in the bigger picture it’s 100 percent […]

L.A R&B starlet Ramona Gonzalez a.k.a Nite Jewel is playing tonight (11/5) at Boondocks (I know, that’s what we thought too) thanks to the good folks over at Lunaface. Early in the year, they brought Nite Jewel collaborator-turned-friend/funk counterpart Dam Funk, putting tonight’s show in a series of what we can only describe as Lunaface’s […]

Named one of the best shows to catch this week by Houston Press music guru Chris Gray, the enigmatic Deerhoof is playing tonight (11/5) at Walters, and they’re fresh with new material. Don’t let its misleading title fool you. Breakup Song is a powerhouse of energy, blending idiosyncratically noisy guitar and synth and a punchy yet […]

  Check out Doughbeezy, among others this Friday at Lynn Eusan Park

  2012 had some great summer jams (admit it, you learned every word to “Call Me Maybe”), but few were as engrossing and straight-up gorgeous as DIANA’s “Born Again.” Like M83’s “Midnight City,” it was a song that romanticized late night adventures and elevated pop music (not just indie) into something almost religious. If you […]

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