genre spotlight

If you enjoy listening to relaxing music during your study sessions, you might be familiar with Lofi Girl. Even if you don’t listen to Lofi Girl, you are probably familiar with the lo-fi aesthetic of an anime girl sitting at a desk studying next to a window with a cat. Lofi Girl is a phenomenon […]

If you’re anything like me, you can’t stand silence. Even while studying, you have to have something to listen to, whether it’s music or just white noise. Still, it can be hard to find the right music for studying, something that’s both sonically pleasing and not too distracting. If you’re looking for something like this […]

It’s difficult to make anything original these days. So many stories have already been told, good ideas have already been taken, and it seems like we’ve nearly exhausted every melody possible to make out of the twelve notes available to us. To artists of all persuasions (and even to consumers), this realization can be daunting. […]

Since April begins with the lightheartedness of April Fool’s Day, it seems fitting to write a piece about music’s most famous fool, or in this case clown, Pagliaccio. Operas have phased out of popular culture as of late with the rise of musicals as the popular medium of combining theatre and music. This decline is, […]

Coog Radio

Riding the Airwaves

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