
Lonerism, Tame Impala’s second album, turned 10 years old on Oct. 5. Kevin Parker, the Australian musician behind the project, creates music that can be described as psychedelic trip-pop, electric or alternative. The album is filled with synthesizers and ambient music, which leaves listeners in a positive mood as the music is used to enhance […]

  The tUnE-yArDs’ sound is difficult to pin down. Consisting of loop pedals, lo-fi percussion, ukulele, electric bass, saxophone, horns and vocals, this synth driven, African inspired, indie folk sound scats all over the place, much like a psychedelic jazz song. There is a lot to unpack there. And that is where you find the […]

Imagine a longboard cruising down a cement boardwalk. To your left is an expanse of sand. Off the pace is the ocean, refracting the rays of the sun. It’s beginning to set. You’ve got your sunglasses on, but you can still see that the sky is a mix of rich oranges, yellows and pinks. The […]

Coog Radio

Riding the Airwaves

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