Album Review: Purity Ring’s “another eternity”

Written by on March 5, 2015

“From the beginning we’ve always been trying to write pop music.”

-Corin Roddick

another eternit

The Canadian electric duo composing of Corin Roddick and Megan James, otherwise known by their band name “Purity Ring,” finally released their new album to the United States this past Tuesday. Their last album from 2010, Fineshrine, received lots of praise for its unique electric sound as well as the spiritual-like, eccentric lyrics produced along with the tracks. Listen to their last album below!

Another eternity has already claimed attention from plenty of media outlets as well as criticisms for being a bit more “poppy” from its original sound. Today, I’ll indulge you readers with a track-by-track review of the new album.

Track 1: heartsigh 

The album starts out with a powerful ballad taking on their trademark synth and drum with a new pop sound to it. Despite being much lighter than the usual dark lyrics Purity Ring inserts into its songs, it certainly prepares you for what the rest of album will sound like.

Track 2: bodyache

The innovative, harp-like sound heard in the background compliments Megan’s voice beautifully as she belts out “I cried until my body ached.” “Bodyache” proves a strong introduction along with “heartsigh” to another eternity.

Track 3: push pull

This was the first single Purity Ring released back in December 2014. “Push pull” has the strongest lyrics and emotion echoed throughout the whole album. Like the title suggests, a strained relationship is described through powerful imagery where there is a push and a pull between the two people involved.

Track 4: repetition

SERIOUSLY, Purity Rings does not play around with similes and metaphors. With lyrics like  “watching me is like watching the fire” and “I will watch your lips curve in a smooth combat,” you will fall in love with Megan Jame’s voice in an instant. This is my favorite song off the album, hands down.

Track 5: stranger than earth

One of the more upbeat, rave-like songs on the album with a strong kick and drums in the beat. “Stranger than earth” even includes a line seen in a previous Purity Ring song “Saltkin.” Other than the reference to a previous song and a cool beat, “stranger than earth ” pales in comparison to the rest of the songs on the album.

Track 6: begin again 

This was the second single to be released to the public along with the album’s title, cover, and track listing. I particularly like how this song goes back to Purity Ring’s former darker roots heard in Fineshrine in this song with it’s high kicks and darker piano riffs (? not sure what else to call it but it was dope either way) and synths contrasting in the background.

Track 7: dust hymn

For those digging hip-hop, this song is the one for you. It alternates between a much faster pace than the other songs and a hard-hitting beat through Megan’s verses. Not much can be said about the lyrics, however. “Dust hymn” has the shortest amount of words compared to the other songs, yet the beat makes up for it.

Track 8: flood on the floor

This song also has a hard-hitting beat that resonates with the strong lyrics. It’s an underrated song compared to the rest of the album, especially with its mind-boggling drop in the beat. Don’t overlook this song!

Track 9: sea castle

A nice slower break from the faster songs. “Sea castle” has somewhat of a nostalgic, dark sound to it that I enjoyed and keeps your attention with its unpredictable beat and Megan’s pleading voice.

Track 10: stillness in woe

As the second longest song, “stillness in woe” ends another eternity in an anti-climatic way that builds the song up and up yet fades out into nothing leaving yourself thinking, “that’s all?” with a frown upon your face. Not exactly how I imagined the album would end yet I appreciate the humble ending to another eternity.

Listen to: repetition, begin again, heartsigh, bodyache, flood on the floor

Skip over: stranger than earth, stillness in woe

Rating: 4/5

Listen to another eternity in the links below and let us know what you think of Purity Ring’s newest album!

Purity Ring will be starting a tour in April for their new album and they will be coming to Texas the following dates:

May 22, 2015: Bomb Factory in Dallas, TX

May 23, 2015: Stubbs Waller Creek in Austin, TX

May 24, 2015: House of Blues Houston in Houston, TX

Check out their website for more information on their upcoming tour, ordering their music, and to see a full list of lyrics to another eternity.

BONUS: Purity Ring just recently had an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit! Check it out here.

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