Only Beast: Album Review

Written by on October 20, 2014

To say you haven’t heard anything like Only Beast is an understatement.

Only Beast performed at Coog Radio’s 5th Birthday Bash. The best way to describe them: loud.

“A Nerve”, the opening track from Only Beast’s debut album, introduces the listener to a raucous mix of hard rock n’ roll and contemplative post-rock blues. Notice Danielle (the vocalist) modulating her voice quickly.

“Last straw” excels when showboating the wide range of sounds John’s drum kit is capable of making. Some of the guitar riffs also mesh into the track’s sound canvas well. (Some don’t). Only Beast produces disharmonious music, creatively.

Danielle’s voice adheres to key in “Omen”. Listeners who aren’t comfortable with Only Beast’s more experimental side may take a liking to “Omen”. It’s Only Beast’s cleaner, more straightforward traditional rock song on their debut album.

The album artwork. Gorgeous, ain’t it?

“Precipice” abruptly jumps from one familiar key progression to a key outside of the range of normal key transition possibilities composers choose from. If anything, these lyrics bite hardest and may be some of the finest on the album.

“You said you wanted a fight
Well you got one
Just try and shapeshift your way out this time
The Beast will find you and bind you to the oath you swore
She gives no quarter”

To end the song, these lyrics play:

“Hear now the drums of war
Hear how they beat for you
We are the blood
We bear the truth”

Only Beast makes real poetry.

“The Djinn” features Danielle’s vocal tricks again. She is fully capable of reproducing these effects live.

“Miracle” seems to lack a cohesive vision. Unlike the other tracks on Only Beast, “Miracle” does not command your attention and rather excels in being average.

Finally, “A Legacy of Contrition” wraps up the debut effort from Only Beast. Nothing much else to say about it.

Only Beast’s sound is chaos, channeled into a rolling mess that may, much like other legendary rock albums, defy common musical practice to such an extreme that it sets a precedent for new genres to come much further on. If Only Beast polishes enough aspects of their sound to appeal to larger audiences, their music could influence wide swathes of the future rock landscape.

Check out all songs and their lyrics, along with other features, on Reverbnation’s web site! Link


By Nicholas Randall

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