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Hello everyone, this is a segment called “Currently Tuned in to” where I post the songs and pieces that I’m really feeling and vibing with at a certain time. Just a fair warning my tastes have been described as a bit eclectic but I hope that you resonate with at least one song and that […]

Heize will be making a stop in Houston next week! Here’s everything you need to know about the artist before copping tickets.

If you don’t know Jorja Smith or Kali Uchis, then please invite me to the rock you’ve been living under. I’m kidding! Well, only partly.

Eccentricity: It’s one of the most interesting characteristics in the musical world. Notably, some genres are expected to make it work better than others. For example, rap has artists like Tierra Whack, Ugly God, and Kanye to represent its eccentricity. Rock, Alternative, Pop, and Hip-Hop are all considered genres where being eccentric can be embraced […]

FKJ will be in Houston on April 27th The French musician will be making a pit stop in Houston at Warehouse Live. He’ll be playing tracks from his self-titled debut album French Kiwi Juice. The album is filled to the brim with dream-like songs to put you in an R&B/Soul trance. One of the most […]

The SXSW festivities were in full effect when I sat down with Australian singer-songwriter Jarryd James for an interview. For some artists, it takes an entire career to make it to the top of the country’s music charts; however, for James, that success came a bit quicker in his home country of Australia. Peaking at […]

Houstonian Dev Hynes other known as Blood Orange brought a theatrical performance to White Oak Music Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 20th. A huge crowd showed up for Blood Orange ready to vibe out to his soothing voice and talented background singers. White Oak Music Hall did a wonderful job organizing the crowd as they had another […]

This is a new segment called Artists in Key Minor, where I highlight minority artists with major talent and talk about why you should be adding them to your next playlists. The first person up for introduction is, Moses Sumney. 

There’s only one end of the year wrap up post you need in your life. This is it! Continue reading for the top songs, albums, and artists of 2018 according to Coog Radio. Top Songs of 2018  Start by listening to the Coog Radio End of Year Wrap playlist. Let the sounds of artists such […]

2018 was a year filled with countless ups and downs as well as tons of good music. Some songs happened to fall through the cracks and I’m here to make sure you didn’t forget them. Here are, Bops You Almost Missed in 2018.

Washington D.C. native singer/songwriter Ari Lennox was born a rebel child. She struggled in school with her behavior; always getting in trouble for rocking her own way. She constantly moved from school to school, where early on she realized that it wasn’t for her. Trying to find her path by filtering through different careers, she […]

JMSN performed a SOLD-OUT show at White Oak Music Hall Wednesday night with his opener August 08. August 08 had an interesting set as the crowd wasn’t feeling him until he played his track “‘Funeral.” That’s when people saw his full potential as a singer.  His side jokes in between tracks kept the energy of […]

While the hip-hop community tends to overlook women in the industry by separating them into their own category, female rappers in the nineties sat at the forefront of the genre. They set precedent for equality universally, and exemplified a liberation of many women from gender stereotypes and expectations that previously held them back, and not […]

The Internet, a band from Los Angeles, has taken over the R&B/soul genres and has resonated with younger, alternative music listeners. The band came together in 2011 when it was formed by former Odd Future members Syd and Matt Martians. The group wanted to make a more R&B, funk, and soul-inspired project; and under Odd […]

mono. Album Cover RM’s mono.. Quite honestly, this is the perfect soundtrack for the fall season. If you’re into super chill music with introspective lyrics, then this is the album for you. 

If you managed to get through this summer without having “Boo’d Up” permanently engraved in your brain, you probably get your sustenance from vintage vinyl and avocado toast exclusively. “Boo’d Up” will capture you by your feelings and throw you out on the curb with that catchy melody to taunt you. Needless to say, by […]

Columbian-American artist Kali Uchis finally released her debut full length album Isolation earlier this month after various features and collaborations with artists such as Tyler the Creator, Bootsy Collins and Vince Staples. The album is much longer than her debut EP Por Vida, featuring six more songs than Por Vida for a total of 15, each […]

It has been five years since you gave up your passion for someone you thought was permanent; then ended up stuck behind a desk counting the seconds until the clock strikes 5 pm…just to question everything again tomorrow. R&B artist Corey H was in this thought process five years ago until he looked out the […]

After three years of regularly listening to Leon Bridges‘ debut album Coming Home, I was beyond excited to finally catch him in concert. The Fort Worth native’s velvety vocals and 60’s soul feel will have any music fiend singing along to his tracks. Going into the concert, I was interested to see if Leon Bridges would be […]

George Miller, better known as Joji, is a Japanese-Australian Lo-fi instrumental hip-hop performer and producer. Joji up and started his musical performance by uploading to his YouTube channel called TVFilthyFrank. His alternate persona called Filthy Frank could be one of the most important reasons Joji was able to get his music rolling. By providing his 8.3+ […]

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Riding the Airwaves

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